Four tips if you are feeling burned out at work

Unfortunately, it is very common for employees to be feeling burned out. Many companies are going through layoffs which have the dual effect of making employees stressed about retaining their jobs and also taking on an ever-increasing workload that was previously assigned to co-workers. If you are feeling burned out at work, here are four tips that can be helpful.

Set boundaries on your worktime

 All too often employees are getting emails after work hours. In some jobs this is to be expected as emergencies may arise. However, many employees get emails after hours that can go unanswered until the next day but feel compelled to answer them rapidly. This can have some detrimental effects. First, you will never feel fully “off” of work if you are on alert to answer emails or phone calls at any time. You will also be setting a precedent that you can be reached after hours so then your manager or co-workers may continue to contact you more frequently after hours. Finally, your personal relationships may suffer if you are spending time with family and friends but constantly interrupting your interactions to tend to work. It is important to set boundaries and enforce them when thinking about after-hours work.

 Take breaks throughout your day

 Research has shown that for optimal performance it is best to take breaks during a long stretch of work. Try to use that time to quickly recharge yourself. There is a myriad of things you can do in short breaks such as taking a walk, interacting with a pet if you work at home, grabbing a healthy snack, or calling a friend or family members. It is important to recognize when you feel at the point that your work performance is suffering to try to take a break to resume productivity.

 Take a vacation

Consider taking vacations to recharge yourself for a longer amount of time. If you are so inclined, book a trip to somewhere exotic to have a change of pace and focus on doing activities not related to work. Maybe you’d prefer to visit family or friends in a different city. Perhaps you’d prefer a staycation where you have time to yourself and can read, rest and/or go to local attractions depending on where you are living. The point is to not focus on work and avoid communication with your workplace as much as possible.

Exercise frequently

Research has demonstrated the physical and mental health benefits of exercising. Exercise is more likely to be sustained if you can incorporate exercise into something you like doing. For example, taking a walk outside while listening to music or a podcast can be something you look forward to. It can be difficult to make the time and energy to work out so try to figure out when works best for you and do your best to stick with exercising a few times a week. You should notice your mental and physical health improving once you get into a regular routine.

Burnout frequently occurs with American employees. If you are feeling burned out consider setting boundaries on your worktime, taking breaks throughout the day, taking a vacation, and exercising frequently. If you are suffering from burnout, career counseling can help.  Contact me today to get started.