Three tips if you are searching for work over the holiday season

Are you looking for a job this holiday season? It is commonly believed that it is very hard to find a job over the holidays for several reasons. These include hiring managers and recruiters being on vacation causing delays, Employees of a company being focused on issues besides hiring as the year comes to a close, and uncertain budgets for the following fiscal year. Although this is true in certain circumstances, it is not out of the question to get an employment offer over the holidays. People are always leaving employment for personal or professional reasons and essential positions need to be filled immediately. Additionally, some managers see a slowdown in other aspects of their jobs and may have more time available to interview in December if they are not out of the office. Although frustration can mount on the part of the job seeker if interviews occur and then decisions are delayed due to the holidays, I do recommend that my clients continue to look for jobs through the holiday season while still taking the time to enjoy their family and other cheerful things occurring this time of the year. If you are looking for work now, here are 3 tips on things you can do to make your search more worthwhile:

Attend holiday parties or other applicable networking events at Holiday Events

Networking events vary by industry and location. However, many organizations that have a linked-in presence have holiday parties this time of year that double as networking events. If you haven’t been on Linked In recently, it is a good idea to join some groups and see what is out there. Some events may be closed to new members but others may be welcoming. It never hurts to message the contact of a LinkedIn group to introduce yourself and see about getting involved. Since lots of jobs can be found by networking, these opportunities are a great thing to take advantage of while you are looking for a job.

 Be open to seasonal or temporary work

This time of the year presents unique opportunities in the temporary work job market. First off certain industries like retail (Target, Walmart) shipping (UPS or Fed Ex) or warehouses like Amazon have temporary holiday jobs available. Wages for these positions are higher this holiday season than they have been in the past. If you are looking for extra cash and a chance to get out of the house these opportunities may be a good idea for you. Keep in mind that there are benefits to working beyond just a paycheck including socializing, feeling good about helping others, and distracting yourself from depressive thoughts. Additionally, it can't hurt to contact a temp agency about potential work. In addition to the work mentioned above, there may be other opportunities open if employees are out on maternity leave, or have to take an extended break from work to take care of a health issue. Being flexible about what work is acceptable to you can be very helpful in these situations.

Take time for self-care

Searching for work is stressful and can often be considered a full-time job in itself. Taking time for self-care is always important but especially when you are unemployed and job searching. It can be helpful to take advantage of spending time with family and doing fun activities for the season. This could include winter sports, dinner with family and friends, seeing a holiday show, or looking at Christmas decorations in your neighborhood. I always advise clients to spend a limited amount of time each day on their job search and then be sure to participate in self-care to recharge their batteries and keep their spirits up as they continue navigating their job search.

Looking for work is always stressful, and the holiday season can add unique challenges to the job search. However, there are also opportunities to take advantage of this time of year. I advise continuing to search for work during the holiday season. If you are job searching, attending networking events, being open to seasonal work, and taking time for self-care are very important. If you are still struggling, career counseling can help. Contact me today for a free consultation.